The second day (June 24) is the continuation of the theatrical rite: the contemporary intercultural “Polish-Japanese Forefathers’ Eve / Soreisai” – celebrated from the perspective of a woman, dealing with the past, talking to her Spirits, reaching to the music of the sources – is a dialogue between what shapes us and who we are and at the same time an attempt to redefine our own identity. 


7.00 p.m., „Dziady polsko-japońskie/Soreisai/祖霊際” [Polish-Japanese Forefathers' Eve] – performance by Jadwiga Rodowicz-Czechowska (Warsaw), PLECIUGA Puppet Theatre
9.00 p.m., Musical Meadow of the Bonds: BEDUINNI, Kana’s Meadow

Sometimes art testifies to the existence of an unknown world: it lives closed in the non-Euclidean space, develops in non-linear time, takes shape on the surface of the Moebius strip. What appears to be external is inside, and the inside is visible on the surface; an artistic fact exists in time, but it also goes beyond time; an act flows from the body and it is completely contained in the body, but at the same time is pure spirituality”. I wrote these words to myself 18 years ago, inviting Jadwiga Rodowicz to a meeting dedicated to her book, “The Perfect Actor. Zeami's treatises about art of No” 

I remember our observation that when we are ready and we create the right conditions, we can read deeper layers of events; recognize a new reality that manifests what is under the surface – something that has lasted and developed since times we do not know – something supported by the ancestors. Today, I am looking forward to another meeting – after so many years – with the woman so important to me and with her work. At the same time I wonder if I am ready to ask the Sorcerer: who are you? 

For me, the most recent performance by Jadwiga Rodowicz is an attempt to find the voice of women, so far overlooked in the projects inspired by "Forefathers’ Eve"; an attempt to create a community for the time of the event; an attempt to evoke the Presence. It is a place for time/timelessness the author calls “a gray hour”, a transitional state between “a dog and a wolf”. It is an encounter with various entities and phenomena. It's a recollection. And finally, it is a contact with memory / oblivion.

Weronika Fibich
