Creation, composition e interpretation Ana Madureira & Vahan Kerovpyan

Lav Lur means Good News in Armenian. It is a call to stand up and move, to sit down and be. It arose from the encounter between a Portuguese actress and illustrator, and a Parisian-American-Armenian musician, who share the dream to be troubadours and to travel around the world spreading good news. For this purpose, they opt for a minimal, light and easy-to-carry scenography, thus leaving space for what is more important for them: a torrent of energy and the pleasure of being with the public, sharing stories, songs and dances. The escaping bride dances her freedom, the disabused lover teases his own illusions, the angel meets the devil, and in the corridors of the night, a pirate feasts inside the dream of a young woman. All is alive and has more than one face, even on a normal day!


Ana Madureira

Actress and illustrator.

Her practise as a performer includes theatre, music, clown and dance. She is a member of Clown Laboratori Porto and collaborates with Circolando theatre company (Porto, Portugal). She has developed community-based work, creating forms which depart from personal stories.


Vahan Kerovpyan

Percussionist, pianist, singer and accordionist, he explores the territories between music, theatre and movement. A member of the choral of Armenian liturgical chant Akn and of the Collectif Medz Bazar (both based in Paris), he collaborates with the dance company Kerman (France) and theatre company Teatr Zar (Poland). He is a member of Clown Laboratori Porto.
