June 2nd and 4th

June 2nd and 4th presentation of productions made by two youth groups active in the Kana: t.kanka and Połowisko. Both performances were constructed as a result of workshops: group processes and individual discoveries that took place at work on Kana’s floor. Both are also our symbolic birthday gift for Zygmunt Duczyński (born on June 2nd), who was always the most interested in everything that was young, new, unpredictable, wandering, risky. 




BONDS: PROLOGUE 1: „Pęknięcia” [Fractures]
The work on this production proceeded in the atmosphere of diffusion of what could be described as "the poetics of human being": diffusion saturated with fascination with the universe and an alien being, but also with the clash of these worlds. Intuitions, absurd fantasies, anxieties, desires, doubts of young people who are often not entirely self-defined, who look for a way to cope with the world – by understanding it or by escaping from it. These are the moments, meetings, situations: those approached with a pinch of salt, or ridiculed, those so intimate that you can whisper about them, and those so painful that you can only shout them out. "Pęknięcia” [Cracks] is a collection of impressions, collisions, objections, disagreements, discomforts. It is a story about being here and now with what surrounds us.

performed by: Aleksandra Dąbrowska, Emilia Hadrzyńska, Katarzyna Kozłowska, Katarzyna Kupiec, Zuzanna Marczak, Małgorzata Mastalska, Nikola Palej, Hania Podskarbi, Wiktoria Rembisz, Aleksandra Sasin, Kateryna Zavizhenets, Paweł Dowejko, Maciek Kowalewski, Oskar Organista.
directed by: Bibianna Chimiak, Karolina Sabat, Piotr Starzyński


BONDS: PROLOGUE 2: „To były akacje” [They were acacias]
Each of us carries an inner story. A tale. A mystery. Each of us tries to hear it inside. And to deafen it as quickly as possible. Sometimes by dancing, sometimes by shouting, sometimes by staying silent, sometimes by barking, sometimes by running, sometimes by dyeing, sometimes by laughing. Sometimes, to sweep under the rug. To express it is the most difficult option.

The performance, which arose from our conversations, letters, memories, but also from our disappointments, anger and discord, is an attempt to exorcise our lives – to bring to the surface what we struggle with in loneliness. It is also our own manifesto – infused with mockery and grotesque – against artificial gravity, forms, norms, pressures and orders to which we are subjected every day. Against good advice, forced smiles, dictates of style and beauty, demons of adulthood. It is our cry to hear our music. It is an invitation to our "acacia" party.
Spikes of acacia do hurt, but the extract from its flowers relieves the pain of injury if rubbed into skin. Acacia incense stimulates forces dormant in the psyche. And acacia brew brings prophetic dreams. Let’s have fun!

performed by: Julia Bardyga, Milena Hovsepyan, Amelia Izdebska, Karolina Jaz, Julia Nowowiejska, Hubert Ostrowski, Paulina Pruszyńska, Helena Sinecka, Julia Wachnik, Maciej Witkowski, Martyna Zawada
artistic care: Marta Giers
cooperation: Marta Poniatowska, Janek Turkowski
technical care: Tomasz Grygier
photo: Helena Sinecka 
