“Welcome to My House. The Meditation on a Woman in the Dunes”

(Przemysław Błaszczak / Wrocław, the performance) 

The performance was based on the story written in the novel “Woman in the Dunes,” by the Japanese writer Kōbō Abe. A story is written in the sand, expressed in the language of body, motion and gesture. It is focused on the development of the bond between a man and a woman, yet beyond the plot and logical course of events. It is the experience beyond logic and the relationship in its own intimate nature. The performance is an attempt to take the viewer in the moment beyond time, for the only space available to us is here and now. The subtle interactions, set in the space of stage inspired by Shōji Ueda’s photographs, also emanate the emotional landscape. At which moment is the bond born? What it the nature of human need for closeness? 
